BORFLEX participates in the VALUE RUBBER project

BORFLEX participates in the VALUE RUBBER project

The European Commission has granted funding to a study project presented by 5 European entities, including BORFLEX®.

The subject: "recycling technology for introducing rubber from end-of-life tyres into production lines as a substitute for new rubber".

The project officially started on1 September and will run for 2 years.

The University of Cartagena, Synthélast (both Spanish) and Dymotec will build a pilot devulcanisation workshop.

Borflex will be responsible for the study of formulations including devulcanised, the study of production of parts, and market research.

The Spanish technical centre CETEC is coordinating the project and providing scientific and technical expertise.

We are counting on the Group's know-how to contribute effectively to the project; we expect it to provide new sources of supply and new market opportunities.

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